Guidelines for gathering data on gender

Since the 18th of September 2017, the School of Psychology has used the following guidelines for gathering data on participants’ gender:

The ideal situation is to provide a completely open ended question:
Gender: _______________________
However this is not always practical. Therefore, at a minimum you should include the following options:
I identify my gender as:
Gender Variant/Non-conforming
Not listed: ____________________
Prefer not to say
Once you have collected demographic information, it is up to you how you collapse across any categories in reporting the data, but you should provide respondents with the opportunity to answer honestly and comfortably. If it’s not a crucial part of your data analysis plan, you should consider refraining from gathering data on gender altogether.
These guidelines follow the recommendations of the Human Rights Campaign, which can be found here. They were circulated to all members of staff via email on the 30th of June 2017.

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